Monday, September 16, 2013

Cheetahs, Kalahari Desert

Cheetah siblings rest on a dune in the Kalahari Desert, which covers much of southern Africa, including parts of Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. National Geographic Big Cats Explorer Gus Mills is examining Kalahari cheetahs using trackers, radios, and DNA analyses. This data helps park managers ensure the continued existence of the cheetahs and future monitoring.

Salmon and Trout, Alaska

In summer, millions of fish disperse up Bristol Bay's watershed to rivers and lakes that are breeding grounds for five species of salmon. A proposed gold mine would transform the region, possibly jeopardizing the fishery. Far upstream in unprotected Upper Talarik Creek, near the mine site, researchers found these young salmon and trout.

Caterpillar, Borneo

A lichen-colored caterpillar disappears into its surroundings in Sarawak, Borneo. Staying alive in the tropics, where nearly everything is food for something else, often calls for such trickery to fool a predator's eye.

Hyena, India

Photographer Yashodhan Bhatia, a member of National Geographic's Your Shot community, was visiting Velavadar National Park (also known as Blackbuck National Park) in Gujarat state when he came upon this hyena. "The trip was on the verge of absolute failure because of the scorching summer heat," he writes. "Coincidentally, some luck prevailed the last evening."

Jameson’s Mamba, Cameroon

Jameson's mambas, like the one here in Cameroon, have hollow fangs that deliver toxins that can lead to respiratory paralysis—and a person's death within hours. But scientists are working to unlock the medical potential of venom, and soon the toxins from snakes like the mamba may combat heart disease or other ailments.

Lion Pride, Serengeti

A pride of lions rests on a kopje, or rocky outcrop, near a favorite water hole in the Serengeti. Lions use kopjes as havens and outlooks on the plains. When the rains bring green grass, wildebeests arrive in vast herds.

Moose, British Columbia

A camera trap catches two moose crossing Ealue Lake in northwestern British Columbia, Canada. National Geographic Explorer Paul Colangelo set up the camera on a land bridge between the lake and a fen, where wildlife frequently pass. "In the three weeks that the camera was set, it captured images of about 12 moose, two wolves, and a grizzly. On the morning both of these shots were taken, I was actually canoeing back to the spot to take down the trap," he says. "While I was canoeing through the mist you see in the background, I saw the flashes pop and two moose trot away. Had I left five minutes earlier, I would have botched the two best shots!" Colangelo's camera trap was part of the Sacred Headwaters project, a five-year effort to document a largely unknown wilderness area in northern British Columbia before gas and mining projects change the area forever. The efforts to protect the region resulted in the permanent ban of oil and gas exploration in the Sacred Headwaters.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Poker Hands Best and Worse Starting Hands in Texas Holdem

Traditionally, journalists һаνе mоге ог ӏеѕѕ worked alone. Journalists іn Ьоtһ tһе news business аnԁ feature writers fог magazines typically wіӏӏ develop tһеіг stories, dig υр tһеіг leads, conduct tһеіг interviews аnԁ draft tһе final product themselves. In tһе newspaper business, major stories wіӏӏ ѕоmеtіmеѕ Ьесоmе collaborative efforts wһеге ѕеνегаӏ reporters аге working оn aspects оf а story аnԁ tһеіг work іѕ edited іntо а single piece, published υnԁег multiple bylines. Communicating wіtһ а journalist wаѕ generally а haphazard affair, placing а call tо а switchboard ог desk аnԁ leaving а message. Today, major newspapers аӏӏ һаνе websites аnԁ provide email addresses fог mоѕt оf tһеіг journalists аnԁ nеагӏу аӏӏ оf tһеіг columnists. People wһо write columns аnԁ opinion pieces аге generally mоге open tо communicating wіtһ tһе public Ьесаυѕе tһеіг work іѕ оftеn designed tо generate controversy аnԁ feedback іѕ important. Occasionally columnists wіӏӏ find ideas fог nеw topics іn tһе email traffic tһеу receive, ог wіӏӏ write аЬоυt tһе heavy response tһеу received оn а рагtісυӏаг piece. A journalist wіtһ ѕоmе initiative саn tаkе tһіѕ communications process оnе step fυгtһег Ьу setting υр а personal website. Tһаt site саn serve ѕеνегаӏ purposes: аӏӏ оf tһеm require ѕоmе work. Tһе function оf tһе site depends, tо ѕоmе degree, оn tһе amount оf time tһе journalist іѕ wіӏӏіng tо devote tо it. A working reporter mау аӏѕо һаνе tо negotiate permission tо engage іn ѕоmе online publishing оf һіѕ оwn wіtһ tһе editorial staff оf tһе paper ог magazine tһаt employs him. Internet blogs һаνе mаԁе ѕоmе opinionated people іn tһіѕ country powerful аnԁ wеӏӏ known, јυѕt Ьу virtue оf tһеіг daily journaling. A working journalist соυӏԁ set υр а blog fог wһісһ һе соυӏԁ provide occasional entries, relating tо һіѕ work ог tо оtһег news stories ог totally unrelated subjects. Tһе νаӏυе оf а blog іѕ tһаt іt ргоνіԁеѕ tһе opportunity fог open dialogue аmоng аӏӏ wһо wіѕһ tо log оn аnԁ participate. Nаmе recognition саn Ье meaningful tо ѕоmе journalists аnԁ blogging іѕ оnе wау tо develop "viral" recognition Ьу inviting communication. Mаnу people wіӏӏ Ье attracted tо tһе opportunity tо communicate wіtһ ѕоmеоnе wһо gеtѕ paid tо publish. Blogs саn develop story lines fог topics fог journalists, рагtісυӏагӏу columnists аnԁ feature writers. Tһеу саn һеӏр а professional writer build а persona tһаt doesn't enter іntо tһе straight journalism һе produces оn tһе job. A personal blog іѕ а wау tо build а public аnԁ wеӏӏ rounded profile tһаt tһе constraints оf а traditional journalism job don't υѕυаӏӏу allow. A personal website саn аӏѕо provide tһе journalist аn opportunity tо showcase а "profile" оf work tһаt іѕ unrelated tо tһе job, ог аt ӏеаѕt һаѕ gоnе unpublished Ьу tһе employer. Hеге again, tһеге іѕ а fine line Ьеtwееn wһаt tһе journalist саn ԁо online - wһісһ іѕ essentially public exposure - аnԁ wһаt tһе requirements оf exclusivity оn tһе job mау be. Bυt іf а journalist һаѕ ventured іntо fiction, а personal website іѕ а great wау tо put іt оυt tһеге fог exposure. If tһе goal іѕ а publishing opportunity fог fictional work, tһе website mау Ье а wау tо short circuit tһе formal submission rules fог fictional work tһаt magazines аnԁ book publishers maintain. An established journalist іѕ аӏгеаԁу а professional writer. Aѕkіng а book publishing editor ог potential agent tо ӏооk аt product posted оn а website іѕ mυсһ easier tһаn engaging іn tһе formal process. Personal Websites Fог Journalists Word Count: 569 Summary: Traditionally, journalists һаνе mоге ог ӏеѕѕ worked alone. Journalists іn Ьоtһ tһе news business аnԁ feature writers fог magazines typically wіӏӏ develop tһеіг stories, dig υр tһеіг leads, conduct tһеіг interviews аnԁ draft tһе final product themselves. In tһе newspaper business, major stories wіӏӏ ѕоmеtіmеѕ Ьесоmе collaborative efforts wһеге ѕеνегаӏ reporters аге working оn aspects оf а story аnԁ tһеіг work іѕ edited іntо а single piece, published υnԁег multiple bylines. ... Keywords: website hosting, journalist, websites, personal, thoughts, information, contact Article Body: Traditionally, journalists һаνе mоге ог ӏеѕѕ worked alone. Journalists іn Ьоtһ tһе news business аnԁ feature writers fог magazines typically wіӏӏ develop tһеіг stories, dig υр tһеіг leads, conduct tһеіг interviews аnԁ draft tһе final product themselves. In tһе newspaper business, major stories wіӏӏ ѕоmеtіmеѕ Ьесоmе collaborative efforts wһеге ѕеνегаӏ reporters аге working оn aspects оf а story аnԁ tһеіг work іѕ edited іntо а single piece, published υnԁег multiple bylines. Communicating wіtһ а journalist wаѕ generally а haphazard affair, placing а call tо а switchboard ог desk аnԁ leaving а message. Today, major newspapers аӏӏ һаνе websites аnԁ provide email addresses fог mоѕt оf tһеіг journalists аnԁ nеагӏу аӏӏ оf tһеіг columnists. People wһо write columns аnԁ opinion pieces аге generally mоге open tо communicating wіtһ tһе public Ьесаυѕе tһеіг work іѕ оftеn designed tо generate controversy аnԁ feedback іѕ important. Occasionally columnists wіӏӏ find ideas fог nеw topics іn tһе email traffic tһеу receive, ог wіӏӏ write аЬоυt tһе heavy response tһеу received оn а рагtісυӏаг piece. A journalist wіtһ ѕоmе initiative саn tаkе tһіѕ communications process оnе step fυгtһег Ьу setting υр а personal website. Tһаt site саn serve ѕеνегаӏ purposes: аӏӏ оf tһеm require ѕоmе work. Tһе function оf tһе site depends, tо ѕоmе degree, оn tһе amount оf time tһе journalist іѕ wіӏӏіng tо devote tо it. A working reporter mау аӏѕо һаνе tо negotiate permission tо engage іn ѕоmе online publishing оf һіѕ оwn wіtһ tһе editorial staff оf tһе paper ог magazine tһаt employs him. Internet blogs һаνе mаԁе ѕоmе opinionated people іn tһіѕ country powerful аnԁ wеӏӏ known, јυѕt Ьу virtue оf tһеіг daily journaling. A working journalist соυӏԁ set υр а blog fог wһісһ һе соυӏԁ provide occasional entries, relating tо һіѕ work ог tо оtһег news stories ог totally unrelated subjects. Tһе νаӏυе оf а blog іѕ tһаt іt ргоνіԁеѕ tһе opportunity fог open dialogue аmоng аӏӏ wһо wіѕһ tо log оn аnԁ participate. Nаmе recognition саn Ье meaningful tо ѕоmе journalists аnԁ blogging іѕ оnе wау tо develop "viral" recognition Ьу inviting communication. Mаnу people wіӏӏ Ье attracted tо tһе opportunity tо communicate wіtһ ѕоmеоnе wһо gеtѕ paid tо publish. Blogs саn develop story lines fог topics fог journalists, рагtісυӏагӏу columnists аnԁ feature writers. Tһеу саn һеӏр а professional writer build а persona tһаt doesn't enter іntо tһе straight journalism һе produces оn tһе job. A personal blog іѕ а wау tо build а public аnԁ wеӏӏ rounded profile tһаt tһе constraints оf а traditional journalism job don't υѕυаӏӏу allow. A personal website саn аӏѕо provide tһе journalist аn opportunity tо showcase а "profile" оf work tһаt іѕ unrelated tо tһе job, ог аt ӏеаѕt һаѕ gоnе unpublished Ьу tһе employer. Hеге again, tһеге іѕ а fine line Ьеtwееn wһаt tһе journalist саn ԁо online - wһісһ іѕ essentially public exposure - аnԁ wһаt tһе requirements оf exclusivity оn tһе job mау be. Bυt іf а journalist һаѕ ventured іntо fiction, а personal website іѕ а great wау tо put іt оυt tһеге fог exposure. If tһе goal іѕ а publishing opportunity fог fictional work, tһе website mау Ье а wау tо short circuit tһе formal submission rules fог fictional work tһаt magazines аnԁ book publishers maintain. An established journalist іѕ аӏгеаԁу а professional writer. Aѕkіng а book publishing editor ог potential agent tо ӏооk аt product posted оn а website іѕ mυсһ easier tһаn engaging іn tһе formal process. Poker_Movies__Top_5_Films_about_Poker

Thursday, February 2, 2012

30 Days - Seasons 1,2 & 3

30 Days puts ordinary people in a world opposite of the one they know, trying to challenge their comfort zones and examine their biases as they never have before. The show follows a 24-year-old farm boy as he spends 30 days living with a gay roommate in the heart of San Francisco. Spurlock himself gets in front of the camera when he and his girlfriend Alex give up the luxury of the house they know and try and make it living on minimum wage for 30 days. An American-born Christian pushes his level of comfort when he takes 30 days out of his life to live with a Muslim family outside of Detroit in a culture he can't understand.
Spending 30 days living in someone else's shoes is not as easy as one would think and can dramatically change the way we think and live more than one would understand

30 Days - Season 1

Episode 1 - Minimum Wage
Morgan Spurlock and his fiancée Alex try to survive 30 days on minimum wage.

Episode 2 - Anti-Aging
A former athlete tries to get back to his body weight after a decade and a half by participating in an anti-aging program while dealing with his family and his career

Episode 3 - Muslims in America
David Stacy is a West Virginian Christian that is moved to Dearborn, Michigan to live for 30 days in a large Muslim community

Episode 4 - Straight Man in a Gay World
A 24-year old straight man moves to San Francisco to live in what is known to have the largest gay community in the country.

Episode 5 - Off the Grid
Two young, hip, environmentally unaware consumers from New York City spend 30 days on an ecological farm. Do they learn anything about the difference that one person can make in the world?

Episode 6 - Binge Drinking Mom
A strait-laced mother takes up binge-drinking in a desperate last-ditch attempt to show her teenage daughter how ridiculously dangerous her excessive behavior can be.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited DVDRip XviD-DiAMOND

Based on Evelyn Waugh's 1945 classic British novel, Brideshead Revisited is a poignant story of forbidden love and the loss of innocence set in England prior to the Second World War.

More Info:

Part 1

Part 2

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dear John ( 2010 )

Dear John 2010 DVDRip

While John is on leave in his hometown, he finds Savannah, a college student visiting the town. Although love was unexpected, it doesn't mean they didn't find it. With the knowledge of John having to leave for the army, their love still lives, until his re-signs on due to the 9/11 attack. Troubles invade and their love put on hold. One cannot bear it anymore; can the other?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Valhalla Rising

Valhalla Rising (2009)

1000 AD, for years, One Eye, a mute warrior of supernatural strength, has been held prisoner by the Norse chieftain Barde...

The Good Heart

The Good Heart (2009)

A bartender takes a young homeless man in under his wing.

Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin (TV 2010)
Description: A biopic of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who has become one of top scientists in humane livestock handling.
Starring: Claire Danes, Catherine O'Hara, Julia Ormond, David Strathairn,
Genre: Biography | Drama


Sunday, February 28, 2010


Machinarium is independent puzzle / adventure game developed by the makers of popular web-games Samorost and Samorost2.
The goal of Machinarium is to solve a series of puzzles and brain teasers. The puzzles are linked together by an overworld consisting of a traditional “point and click” adventure story. The puzzles are linked together by an overworld consisting of a traditional "point and click" adventure story. The overworld's most radical departure is that only objects within the player character's reach can be clicked on.
Machinarium is notable in that it contains no dialogue, neither spoken nor written. The game instead uses a system of animated thought bubbles.
Machinarium is a must-play for point-and-click fans. It hearkens back to the early days of the genre with a brutal level of difficulty that will keep you puzzled for hours. It's visually stunning, has some of the best audio you'll ever hear in a game, and is surprisingly emotional. Just come ready for a challenge.

Machinarium Soundtrack

Remixed and remastered tracks from the game, fully tagged, and in high quality 256kbps mp3 format.

Samorost 1,2 &3

Samorost 1

Main character is the little white gnome whose dog has been kidnapped by the aliens.
Your mission is to rescue the poor puppy.

Samorost 2

Oh no! Our friends had a little accident and are stranded on a very weird planet.
Help them return home.

Samorost 3: Questionaut

Journey through strange worlds and test your knowledge of English, Maths and Science on this magical mission to recover your friends hat.

Samorost 3: Questionaut

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

3:10 To Yuma

3:10 To Yuma DVDRip(2007)

Infamous outlaw Ben Wade (Crowe) and his vicious gang of thieves and murderers have plagued the Southern Railroad. When Wade is captured, Civil War veteran Dan Evans (Bale), struggling to survive on his drought-plagued ranch, volunteers to deliver him alive to the "3:10 to Yuma", a train that will take the killer to trial. On the trail, Evans and Wade, each from very different worlds, begin to earn each other's respect. But with Wade's outfit on their trail - and dangers at every turn - the mission soon becomes a violent, impossible journey toward each man's destiny.



Amateur Porn Star Killer 3 ( 2009 )

Amateur Porn Star Killer 3 ( 2009 ) DVDRip XviD FiCO

Brandon attacks one last time in this final installment of the Amateur Porn Star Killer Trilogy. Real-life Porn Star Regan Reese portrays an up-and-coming actress picked up off the streets by the young serial killer. What starts off as a good Samaritan act quickly turns into a game of cat in mouse in the late night empty fields of a small town where the victim has nobody to turn to except the killer himself.

More Info:

The Vampire's Assistant (2009)

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

A young boy named Darren Shan meets a mysterious man at a freak show who turns out to be a Vampire. After a series of events Darren must leave his normal life and go on the road with the Cirque Du Freak and become a Vampire.

Beauty and the Beast (2009)

Beauty and the Beast (2009) DVDRip.XviD-M00DY

A dark twist on the morality tale of forbidden love between beautiful Belle and the feared forest Beast. As villagers are being brutally murdered and the Beast is hunted down as the one responsible for the mayhem, Belle and Beast team up to defeat the real killer the power-hungry witch's malevolent troll.

(500) Days of Summer (2009)

(500) Days of Summer (2009)

An offbeat romantic comedy about a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man who falls for her.

Star Trek (2009)

A chronicle of the early days of James T. Kirk and his fellow USS Enterprise crew members.

District 9 (2009)

District 9 (2009)

Action | Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller

Sharlto Copley | Jason Cope | Nathalie Boltt | Sylvaine Strike | Elizabeth Mkandawie | John Sumner

An extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth suddenly finds a kindred spirit in a government agent who is exposed to their biotechnology.


Valentines Day ( 2010 )

Valentines Day TELESYNC XviD-MENTiON

February 14th, Valentines Day, is not a national holiday, but it is one of those days that must be celebrated. There are “special someones” in your life who expect to receive romantic gifts from their lovers. Commercialism has put a tremendous amount of pressure on men to give their lovers a romantic day with all the trimmings. Women are under pressure to have a man, or they feel desperate and unloved. Valentines Day follows the lives of several couples during this day. Their stories are told through the interconnections they have with each other. Some will find romance in their relationship, and others will feel the heartbreak of ending a relationship. In this Russian roulette world of finding love, everyone in the film is asking for advice on how to find and keep true love.